Warriors might have to be defensive team

Nice win for the Warriors92-78 over the Knicks at Oracle.Makes the Warriors 2-1, with a home game against Philly on Saturday. Then theygo out on road for first time this season with games at Phoenix, San Antonioand the L.A. Lakers.Lets talk a little about the game If you dont think the Warriors are really a defensive team,take a look at their roster. Youcould make the case they have more defensive players than offensive players.Or, put another way, more players capable of being better defenders thanoffensive players.In fact, the only players on the Warriors who could reallybe considered offensive players are their three core players and first-rounddraft pick: Stephen Curry, Monta Ellis, David Lee and Klay Thompson.All the other significant contributors on the roster havemore of a defensive bent: Dorell Wright, Andris Biedrins, Kwame Brown, EkpeUdoh, Brandon Rush, Dominic McGuire and Ish Smith.Bottom line might be that this team couldnt beoffensive-minded anymore even if it wanted to...If this is the way its going to be, and Warriors coach MarkJackson is going to go with guys who are willing to play hard-nosed defense,then that doesnt bode well for rookie Thompson.Look, Thompson may very well be a nice player down the road,but right now hes not nearly at the defensive level of players such as Rush,Wright and McGuire.Thompson played seven-and-a-half minutes against the Knicks,and I wouldnt be surprised if Jackson makes sure to go to Thompson at leastonce a game but doesnt tolerate more than a mistake or two before he goes toone of the three guys mentioned above.And really, thats the way it should be.Ish Smith gave the Warriors better minutes at point guardagainst NY than any of the teams backup point guards gave them last year.Smith is not perfect, and thats why hes not a starter. But, still, theres alot to like. He can make some plays and you better account for his quickness ifyoure on the other team.Honestly, I didnt think Wright was the kind of player whocould help you if he had just eight points on 3-for-9 shooting in 42 minutes. Figuredhed need to be knocking down about six or seven 3s to be playing that manyminutes.But thats what he did against the Knicks, chipping in alongwith others to hold down Carmelo Anthony, getting eight rebounds and notturning the ball over.A few days ago, I thought Wright seemed a little lost. Hehadnt really had an impact in any of the four previous games (including twopreseason) and you could see down the road his minutes getting eaten at. Butagain, as long as Jackson is demanding defenseand Wright is willing to playitWright is going to get minutes.

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