Palmer's thoughts on replacement refs? Not much


ALAMEDA -- The replacement referees in the NFL have made news all right, but for all the wrong reasons.Sports officials are supposed to be heard but not seen. If you don't notice them, the reasoning goes, they're doing a fine job, thank you very much. But what if they're noticed, and then noticed some more and then, well, a Monday Night Football game lasts four hours?Raiders quarterback Carson Palmer was asked Wednesday if he was able to push aside any concerns about the replacement refs, or if he carries concerns into a game."You try to block it out," Palmer said. "But you cant help but notice things out of the corner of your eye that you see downfield or you see in front of you. But at the end of the day theres nothing you can do. Arguing a call, yelling at a ref, trying to get an explanation for something, you just cant. Youve just got to focus on your job."What they call is what they call, what they dont call is what they dont call, and youve got to play the next play."There have been no glaring misses by officials in the Raiders' first two games, though a horse collar that could have been could on a tackle of Coye Francies Sunday in Miami was missed.Palmer was also asked if there was anything players could "exploit" on the newbie refs."No, youve just got to play," he said. "You cant worry about what they might or might not call. Theres so many other things to worry about aside from a referee. Youve got to worry about what your job is, the guy next to you, and what the guy across from you is trying to do. So you cant focus on the refs right now."

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