Alex Smith signs three-year deal to stay with 49ers


Quarterback Alex Smith made it official Wednesday morning, signing a three-year contract with the 49ers to return to the club for at least an eighth season.

"We are pleased that Alex has chosen to continue his career as a 49er," general manager Trent Baalke said. "His contributions were instrumental to our success in 2011, and we look forward to the continued growth of our offense under his leadership."

Smith took part in a conference call shortly after signing the deal. Here is what he had to say:

"Obviously, happy. I'm glad this is finally done. For me, this was the plan all along. Obviously, since the season ended, I wanted to be back here. And it dragged out a little bit, but glad it's over. Glad it's done. I'm glad to get back to work."

Jim Harbaugh said yesterday that things are exactly the same between you and him. What's your answer? Where to do things stand between you and the 49ers, and you and the 49ers?"As good as they've always been and getting better. The thing from Day 1 when I first met Jim Harbaugh is he's always been up front and always been honest with me. And it continues to be that through that entire process. That's one of the reasons I love playing for him, so no question. Nothing there. Just obviously looking forward to having an offseason with him."

Was the organization up front with you in its pursuit of Peyton Manning?
"They were, yes. Jim and Trent were the ones that informed me when this was happening, that they were going to look into that. So, obviously, it was a little unexpected but it was part of the deal. This is free agency, and this is the NFL, so those things happen."

Were you offended that they'd fly cross country to look at Peyton?
"Not offended at all. In fact, I would've relished the opportunity to compete for the starting quarterback job with Peyton Manning."

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Jed YorkThanks for choosing the 49ers Alex. Sorry it was a tough week...
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