2024 Paris Olympics

What the mime? See if Olympians can guess what this French mime is acting out

A French mime is acting out key Olympic words, phrases, sports, and athletes -- with no speaking, of course. Can our Olympians guess what the mime is acting out?

Few things are more quintessentially French than a mime.

To get in the spirit before they head to Paris, we asked a few Team USA Olympians to do their best to guess what this one was acting out.

Surfer Carissa Moore

Surfer Carissa Moore tried to see how well she knows miming, the popular French art dating back to the 16th century.

Swimmer Kate Douglass

Swimmer Kate Douglass tried to see how well she knows miming, the popular French art dating back to the 16th century.

Diver Jessica Parratto

Diver Jessica Parratto tried to see how well she knows miming, the popular French art dating back to the 16th century.

Sailor Daniela Moroz

Sailer Daniela Moroz tried to see how well she knows miming, the popular French art dating back to the 16th century.

Sport climber Brooke Raboutou

Sport climber Brooke Raboutou tried to see how well she knows miming, the popular French art dating back to the 16th century.

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