Kaepernick begins ‘Million Dollar Pledge'


Two months ago, 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick pledged to donate $100,000 a month for the next 10 months to organizations that work toward goals consistent with his message of fighting racial inequalities.

Kaepernick also promised to develop a website that would track his donations and create transparency with his charitable causes.

On Friday, Kaepernick posted an announcement on his Instagram page that he has started the “Million Dollar Pledge."

On www.Kaepernick7.com, Kaepernick reveals a total of $200,000 in pledges to organizations in San Jose, Milwaukee, Chicago, Dallas and New York for the months of October and November.

“The mission of the Colin Kaepernick Foundation is to fight oppression of all kinds globally, through education and social activism,” according to the website.

The site includes an itemized breakdown of specifics of how the money for his donations will be spent. Here are the organizations to receive the first two months of pledges:

Silicon Valley De-Bug, San Jose: $25,000
Causa Justa/Just Cause, San Jose: $25,000
Urban Underground, Milwaukee: $25,000
Mothers Against Police Brutality, Dallas: $25,000

Black Youth Project, Chicago: $25,000
Gathering For Justice/Justice League, New York City: $25,000
Communities United for Police Reform, New York City: $25,000
I Will Not Die Young Campaign, Milwaukee: $25,000

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