On the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Bay Area athletes and teams took to social media to honor the victims of that tragic day.
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#NeverForget the tragic attacks on 9/11/2001. We remember the lives lost, and honor all first responders and service members who have served and are serving to protect our safety and freedom. #PatriotDay (#Repost @winsforwarriors) On the 16th Anniversary of the attacks on 9/11, we remember the over 3,000 lives lost that day, and we recognize the heroic first responders and service members who have pledged their lives to our safety and freedom. On Saturday we hosted the inaugural Patriot Ruck to show our strength and support in numbers for these incredible Americans. "We are here for the police officer who risks his or her life every day to keep us safe. We are here for the firefighter who willingly enters a burning building to save a complete stranger. We are here for the EMT who is constantly on call to respond to emergencies at a moment’s notice. There are currently Service Members deployed all around the world in harm’s way willing to sacrifice themselves for our freedoms, as many of you in the crowd have done, and will do in the future. This Patriot Ruck is an opportunity for the community to recognize those who serve, to meet them, and to walk beside them. This Monday, September 11th the nation will commemorate Patriot Day. Whether you served before the attacks of 9/11 or were inspired as a result of them, we as a nation owe you a debt of gratitude." -LtCol Brian Mulvihill, United States Marine Corps #PatriotDay #NeverForget #UnitedWeStand #PatriotRuck #RuckToHonor #WinsForWarriors #UAFreedom ( : J Singleton)
A post shared by Justin Verlander (@justinverlander) on Sep 11, 2017 at 12:46pm PDT