Kyle Shanahan drops multiple f-bombs, NFL Network cuts away from practice


Ah, the peril of live television.

NFL Network thought they were capturing a nice moment between Kyle Shanahan and his South squad during Senior Bowl practice on Tuesday in Mobile, Ala.

The second-year 49ers coach was giving his players some advice. But a few seconds into the speech, Shanahan forced NFL Network to audible.

"Alright, make sure you're on time," Shanahan started to tell the players. "Whether it's at weigh-ins, whether it's meeting with us, whether it's an appointment you have with anyone here, because those are the questions everyone wants to ask of you guys. You'll do everything f****** perfect around here and then have one f****** ..."

That's when the NFL Network host jumped in and spoke over the rest of Shanahan's speech. Moments later, they cut to a commercial.

Oops. Guess the NFL Network censors weren't fast enough.

You can watch the NSFW video here:

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