Why won't the Warriors repeat? Respect, that's why


So this is your last chance to mock the Golden State Warriors as lucky, cheating, babyfaced frauds before the new season begins and all the answers are in the events.

And if you don’t want to go down on the books as being a (you stink if you still use this term) “hater,” let me help.

They were lucky. They were very good. They didn’t cheat. They are babyfaces, except for Draymond Green and Andrew (Coffeetable) Bogut. And they aren’t frauds because they had a parade and got rings and everything.

But they’re not repeating, and here’s why: It’s because you spend too much time worrying about the Warriors not getting enough “respect” and too little time understanding that “respect” is just another word for “well-aged hatred.” In other words, you already won, so stop it.

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And speaking of “stop it,” there’s Dynamo Kyiv executive Volodimir Spilchenko, who when confronted with the footage of four black Dynamo fans being beaten in the team’s home stand by white Dynamo fans, believes he’s come up with the solution.

“We are trying, maybe, to make a special sector (for black fans) in order to avoid the manifestation of racism,” Spilchenko is quoted as saying in an interview by the Washington Post. Spilchenko also is quoted as saying, “Representatives of the stadium administration came to these guys and offered them to change seats, even to more expensive ones, but our proposition was ignored.”

Turning down the chance at being stuck in a blacks-only segment of the stadium? Passing on the rich opportunity to be ostracized and used as a target for projectiles and other abuse from unrepentant fellow fans? Rejecting a chance to relive the fun times of shame and degradation that were supposed to have ended decades ago?

Now that’s ingratitude for you.


In other hate news, the notorious whackjobs from the Westboro Baptist Church who turn up on occasion to urge God to get off his behind and start serious smiting of people who are insufficiently white, straight and vile, have decided to picket Game 2 of the World Series because they view New York as “wholly given over to Sodomite filth, in daily defiance of God Almighty.”

Yeah, this will end well.

But according to Jesse Spector of The Sporting Newsthe Westboro pigs-knuckles crossed that line they are always desperate to do when they pulled New York Mets postseason hero Daniel Murphy into their sordid play by claiming Murphy “has uttered a small squeak in that miasma of foul matter known as New York City, opining that he disagrees 100% with the homosexual lifestyle.”

“This brings Murphy into a tough situation,” Spector wrote. “The ‘opining’ cited by Westboro was Murphy saying in March that ‘as a Christian, that we haven’t been articulate enough in describing what our actual stance is on homosexuality. We love the people. We disagree with the lifestyle.’ At the same time that he made those comments, Murphy spoke about Billy Bean, MLB’s ambassador for inclusion, an openly gay former player.

“’It’s the same way that there are aspects of my life that I’m trying to surrender to Christ in my own life,’ Murphy said then. ‘There’s a great deal of many things, like my pride. I just think that as a believer trying to articulate it in a way that says just because I disagree with the lifestyle doesn’t mean I’m just never going to speak to Billy Bean every time he walks through the door. That’s not love. That’s not love at all.’”

But that’s the danger about not articulating your position. It gets seized and mangled by people with their own agenda whom you would emigrate to avoid.


The Washington Post’s Lonnae O’Neal tells the tale of Terri Upshaw, Gene Upshaw’s widow, and how she was forced to choose between him and her family because, this being the intolerant days of yore, he was guilty of being black and her white.

This would interesting, but her family is the family that owns famous San Francisco eatery Tadich Grill, and with the Super Bowl coming, well, I think we know one place that may not do the kind of business it expected, and here’s why:

“Word got back to her father. She remembers how much she sobbed in that final family meeting with her parents and siblings. She was 23 and pleading for love — both theirs and her own. She thinks her mother and siblings were crying, but it has been so long. Only the final message was clear. When she told her father that she had decided to follow the black man she loved to Washington, she says, ‘He told me that’s it — you’re out of the family. Change your last name, and don’t ever call us again.’

“Terri Upshaw’s parents have never met her sons—their grandchildren—and she says her entire family ignored her at her grandmother’s funeral. So why is she telling her story now? Because the Tadich Grill opened a new location in Washington D.C., right in the backyard of where she has lived for over 30 years, and she seems tired of covering for her family’s racism by staying silent.”

The family chose not to comment to the Post, so there’s that.


And finally, Doc Rivers is on Twitter (@DocRivers, of course) because, well, “Hello, Twitter world! Thanks to @PhilJackson11 who suggested I try this.”

I think Phil Jackson is a very mean man.

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