Job well done by Bogut hockeying up Warriors-Clippers game


This is the part of the season where Steve Kerr turns to an NBA official and says, “They’re crediting me with that one too, aren’t they?”

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Oh, and well done to Andrew Bogut to try and hockey up the game in the second quarter by poleaxing Chris Paul? I mean, someone has to defend the insane notion of a grudge match in Week 4.


Jim Harbaugh will not be tricked, or even cajoled, to do anything outside his programming, which since he is the programmer means he will fight you to the death to refuse to do what you want, even if what you want is to get to him to root for himself. From Angelique Chengelis of the Detroit News:

“Harbaugh was asked Thursday morning whether his Michigan coach, the late Bo Schembechler, would root for Ohio State to beat Michigan State (which would benefit Michigan). 

“’Well, I think he’d be rooting for what’s best with Michigan like we all are,’ Harbaugh said on a radio show. ‘You never know exactly what to root for because you never know how things always play out. That one seems pretty clear. What’s best for Michigan is first that we take care of our business and let the chips fall where they may.’”

Then, after the show’s co-host said he could not even say “Go Bucks” because “I can’t cheer sit there and cheer for Ohio State touchdowns” because “I hate Ohio State so much,” he tried to get Harbaugh to say what he could not.

“Host: ‘You can’t say ‘Go Bucks’ either, can you?

“Harbaugh (laughing): ‘Yeah, what’s best for Michigan is what I’ll be . . . I’d say it, but I’m not going to say it because you’re telling me to say it.”

It explains so very much doesn’t it? 


According to Neil Paine of Geektron . . . er,, the game’s latest MVPs, Bryce Harper and Josh Donaldson were underpaid by a combined $136 million, and that Donaldson was underpaid by an additional $50 million in 2014.

Then again, he was an Athletic in 2014, so that makes sense. 


The highlight of last night’s second Colorblind Need Not Apply Classic between Jacksonville and Tennessee was the moment when Jacksonville set off the fireworks when their defense scored on a play that had been blown dead. 

Then again, six of the eight scoring plays were field goals, so there’s your proof.


Rosemary Plorin, the woman who set off a flotilla of stupid hot takes by writing the letter criticizing Cam Newton for dancing, showed us that forgiveness is worth giving to anyone who brings you up in a press conference. 

After Newton said, “Everybody’s entitled to their own opinion. Everyone is. You can’t fault her for that. If she feels offended, I apologize to her, but at the end of the day, I am who I am. It is what it is,” Plorin was E-mailed by a Charlotte Observer reporter and responded with considerable gentility, “I watched the video of Cam Newton responding to media questions about my letter to him earlier this week. I really appreciate his comments and his respect for my thoughts, and I was impressed with the sensitivity and graciousness with which he spoke. I am sorry I didn’t understand him better until this week. It is clear from his remarks that he recognizes his leadership role, both on and off the field, and that he truly cares about the kids watching him. I respect his comments just as much as he did mine, and I wish him nothing but continued success on the field and in life.”

As for all the other morons, well, they are as always OTO. 

On their own. 


Kobe Bryant celebrated his 73rd birthday on Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski’s radio show on SiriusXM by iterating something that has chapped him for most of his last 65 years of life. 

“AAU basketball is just killing us,” Bryant said. “There’s so many games being played without a concept of how to play them. Everything is off the ball and how to beat your man off the ball. There’s no concept of playing two-man game or three-man combinations. That concept is a lost art. 


“They’re playing so many games without a clear purpose as to why they’re playing them. So they become desensitized to it. I remember in high school, I would have certain games where on an AAU circuit, I didn’t play as well and some people would say, ‘You’re not as good as people say.’ But I understood why they were saying that. There were certain things I was working on by myself that I wanted to work on during the game. I wasn’t going to play to my strengths every time. It was how am I going to get better?” 

To be fair, though, AAU is not responsible for the current Lakers.

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Rex Ryan, because Rex Ryan:

Question: You’ve lost eight of nine to the Patriots. Is that something that keeps you up at night considering how much time you spend talking about them? 

Ryan: “You know what? The only reason I talk about them is they’re the No. 1 team in our division. That’s where we want to be. You guys always say that I’m obsessed with them and all that. You guys are obsessed with them, not me. You’re the ones who talk about them every single day. I’ll tell you this, we prepare for them the same way we prepare for every team that we face. But do we want to beat them? Absolutely. Do I want to beat them more than any team? Yeah, because they’re the standard. They’ve won. They’re the ones who win the division. To me, that’s why. But do I obsess with them and all that? You guys write that I’ve lost seven of eight, so why are you even talking to me. I obviously have no clue how to attack them or defend them, so you guys should talk to somebody else who has a better record than I do against them.”

Question: Why are you mad at us?

Rex Ryan: “I don’t know. I just like the way you guys spin everything. You put everything I say, you take whatever it is, hey, you guys put it out there the way you want to, and I understand it. You guys have covered this matchup for years and years. We’ve got no business being on the same field. That’s what you’ve said. We lost seven of eight. I’ve lost seven of eight against them. So don’t talk to me. I’m sitting back here. I’ll answer the question, whatever, but I don’t know why you even bother.”

Or why Rex bothers, either.


And finally, a lifelong Millwall supporter decided to put his marriage in jeopardy by naming his newborn son after his club without running the idea past his wife first.

How badly did Mike Bloomfield screw up? He named his son after the team’s home ground, and told the Southwark News before his wife.

“If David Beckham can name his son Brooklyn, then I can name mine Bermondsey,” the benighted nutter said. “I just love Millwall. One of the women at the registry office was a Millwall fan and she loved it when she saw what we are going to name him. I threatened to do it but I don’t think my wife believed me! I’m not sure how she’s going to react.”

Turns out she called the paper after he did -– and caved.

“(The name) is growing on me, she said. “He was a bit frightened to come home. I’m coming around to it though and I quite like it. I think he looks a bit like a Bermondsey and it’s definitely unique. I don’t think anyone else has got a name like that.”

If that was the goal, why didn’t they just call him Young Trafford, and his diapers the Stadium Of Blight?

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