All-Star Teacher: Bill Schrier


In June 1978, Bill Schrier graduated high school and vowed never to return.  He had been a poor student who spent a lot of time in the principal’s office. Why return to a place of so much disappointment and failure? 

Fast forward to December 2001.  Bill was invited to guest-speak at Carmel High School.  Since graduation, he’d earned a BS in chemistry, a law degree, cooked professionally, worked as a chemist, served in the Navy, learned to fly, and been a federal prosecutor and corporate attorney.  His message to the students was clear: you don’t have to know what you want to be when you’re a teenager to be successful and happy as an adult.

That day, Bill’s perspective on high school changed.  He realized that he had something to offer students and that helping them was a lot of fun.  He was invited back several times.  Three years later, after earning his credential, Bill began his teaching career in Carmel.

Over the past 15 years, Bill has been recognized for excellence in the classroom. He’s taught math, science, and social studies. In 2005, Bill and a few students started the Carmel High mock trial team, which in 14 years has won eight county titles, a state championship and a world championship.

What is the secret to Bill’s success?  His students know that he cares about their wellbeing above all else.  He treats them with respect, regardless of their class rank.  And his classroom is a place of safety, where students know they will be heard and feel empowered.

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