Andre Iguodala couldn't believe officials missed LeBron James' travel


If LeBron James isn't the best basketball player ever, he most certainly is on the shortlist.

He typically doesn't need any extra assistance from the officials to put his superiority on display because, well, can you imagine?

No? Okay, here you go:

Dribbling the ball just past midcourt -- with an official directly to his side, no less -- James clearly took at least three steps in between dribbles during the Lakers' game in Utah on Wednesday night. Somehow -- it boggles the mind -- the refs missed it.

The same can't be said of former Warrior Andre Iguodala, who not only saw it, but made sure to point out just how egregious of a travel it was.

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Perhaps Iguodala noticed the travel because it looked familiar:

The Lakers have long been rumored as a potential landing spot for Iguodala, who currently is under contract with the Grizzlies, but is seeking a buyout or trade. If he ends up in LA, you can be sure there will be no shortage of his unique sarcasm directed at The King.

And if James happens to clap back with a mention of his famous chase-down block, Iguodala can retort by counting out his three championship rings, all won against James.

You know, the same number of steps LeBron took in between dribbles Wednesday night.

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