Watch ex-Giant Sam Dyson help save field tarp right before Twins trade


Before Sam Dyson was sent from the Giants to the Twins ahead of Wednesday's MLB trade deadline, he contributed to one last save.

The inclement weather in Philadelphia ahead of the Giants-Phillies game prompted the Citizens Bank Park grounds crew to bring out the tarp hours before first pitch.

Eventually, that tarp proved no match for the gusts of wind whipping around the stadium, at which point Dyson -- still a member of the Giants -- snapped into action.

Dyson was well regarded within the Giants' clubhouse, and clearly he makes a good teammate. He learned about the trade shortly thereafter, and was able to say his goodbyes.

[RELATED: Get to know three new Giants prospects from Dyson trade]

The weather can get a little extreme in Minneapolis, too, so perhaps that's not the last save of that kind he'll make this year.

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